Welcome to the Official Born2Win Site!
A Survivor's Journey........
At Born2Win Fundraiser Concert, our goal is offer survivors the opportunity to grace the stage through inspirational music. Many times men and women suffering from cancer, domestic violence, sexual assault or other adversities are not physically or mentally able to communicate how they feel. However, music can touch the heart in some ways that words cannot express. This concert is held annually on the 1st Friday in June; this year it falls on June 2nd at The Great Hall in Germantown, Tennessee. This creative form of art gives individuals the opportunity to sing and share their musical talent. We are in our 4th year of success and have had over 500 plus in attendance and many local and national celebrities grace the stage such as, Psalmist, Shirley Green and former wife of National Recording Artist, Al Green; National Recording Saxophonist, Cameron Ross; Comedienne, MzVivacious; local Saxophonist, Aisha DuBose; and amazing vendors galore.
Why Should You Support?
Inspirational & Uplifting!
Supporting many great causes! Focused on Community Engagement! Filled with Diversity! Economic Empowerment! Affordable! Networking! Excellent BRANDING! Health & Wellness Focused! Created By Expert Marketing Practitioner! National Support! Reputable Sponsors and Supporters! ANNUAL EVENT! |